16 December 2010

Better end to the week

It seems that even when I get sick as I was Sunday through Monday, I always recover very swiftly by the grace of God. I'm feeling in tip-top shape, returning to school this final stretch before the vacation. Notes that I have mentioned before about the church are just expressions of my frustration when I was sick and at the church. They don't necessarily reflect how I feel right now. I'm not keen on leaving my church family behind so soon, even though that's the way I felt a couple days ago. Mainly, I was miserable and needed some way to vent my anger, frustration, and misery that lingered over from Sunday to Monday.

So I feel much better and do intend to stay with my current church without a problem. Tomorrow, I will give a class to the middle schoolers (my last one of the 2010 year) and then have a nice Christmas dinner with the faculty of the high school, complete with four or five courses and only paying 2 euros for the entire thing! Afterwards, I will have my meeting for the London trip with the English teachers. Finally, I will send in my audio CD to Brown as well as my Brown and Illinois applications. So by the end of next week, all my applications will be in and I will relax for the remainder of the holidays!

Some things do have to get worse before they get better, but I just think things are getting better in any case.

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