07 November 2010

I've got places to go, people to see

The weekend was very enjoyable. Orchestra rehearsal in the morning on Saturday was so refreshing. We played the final movement of The Gates at Kiev from "Pictures at an Exhibition" by Mussorgsky. The movement is very regal and festive, invigorating, actually. There are some difficult passages, but on the whole, it's a joy to play. Someday, I would love to play every movement of the piece.

In the afternoon, instead of attending the birthday party at the house, I went to Laval for a youth group meeting at the church and spent the night at the pastor's house. That meant spending some quality time with my brother in Christ, Philip. Philip and I get along very well and it almost seems as if we knew each other for a while. We're pretty similar in many ways, and it's such a joy to speak with him in both English and French. I got to talk to the pastor's wife who is Welsh in English, which was good.

On the whole, this was a good weekend, but I'm somewhat tired and need a good night's sleep before tomorrow. Fortunately, however, I can sleep in a bit before my first class at 11h.

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